Enin Fujimi's creative activities, recent reports, and other notes.

March 09 2024


Akira Toriyama, a great creator who brought many masterpieces such as Dragon Ball and Dragon Quest to the world, and the origin of my creativity, passed away suddenly.


My father was a big fan of Toriyama Sensei, and he bought Jump every week and watched the anime without fail, and I also became addicted to Dragon Ball.I imitated Toriyama Sensei's drawings, forgot to eat and sleep, and kept copying them on drawing paper until I was able to create originals. I started drawing characters and learned the joy of creating things.


Without Toriyama-sensei, creator Enin may not have existed.

He was such a big presence.


Please rest in peace.


In order to mourn for a while, the site's color scheme will be set to dark mode only.


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