Enin Fujimi's creative activities, recent reports, and other notes.

April 20 2024

A girl's voice came

Previous article I talked about how I aspired to be a vocal singer and started practicing singing a female voice.

She has been practicing a little bit every day for about four months, trying various things based on the courses of various biphonic people.

Now I can hear voices like this.



I don't use any kind of voice changer.

Perhaps because it's based on falsetto, it sounds a little childish.

It's a little different from my ideal direction, but it seems like it's better to develop the feminine voice that I'm comfortable with first, so I think I'll probably go this route.


Even though my voice has started to come out, it still breaks down when I try to speak or sing.

There's probably a wall up ahead.


The road to becoming a beautiful singer-songwriter is high and difficult...


My natural voice is quite low, but it seems like if I practice for a few months I'll be able to get a voice like this.

The learning period varies from person to person, with some people being able to do it in a day and others taking about a year.


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